THE GALLERY AND CROSSROADS This was my first time visiting the gallery after they cut it in half and made it the Crossroads counter/ferry point. I used to enjoy the entry of Art Gallery Male'. Specifically t he little corridor way, leading into the main area with the glass panels. The only place within the gallery I did not feel like I was painting put on display. So I walked in and was immediately disappointed - the corridor was now the Crossroads counter. There was no one at the counter and I awkwardly tried to manoeuvre the space and moved into the gallery area. I initially did a round to see what the new space was like and was sad to see that the tiny space got even tinier. There was what.. 8 paintings? - sparingly displayed. I was unsure if this was all there was for the debut collection or if the artist had to compromise given the limited space. I tried to shrug it all off and came back to the entry of the space again. THE PAINTINGS I read the text...