Things I missed - Afu (@NAG), Nazimbe (@NAG), Fabulous Art Show (@NAG), Azleena (@G350)

I'm back - for better or for worse. 

I figured before the next exhibition, I would quickly sum up the ones I missed out on - Anthony Fantano-style. 

Apologies in advance if it sounds crude -  I should have spent the time that each artist deserves, and cus I didn't, I didn't even tag them on my instagram post. But then again who out here is taking anything seriously anyways? 

Nafs - Afu Shaafiu's solo exhibition @ NAG (11th - 24th Dec 2023) 

A stranger I met, a child, of maybe 16ish years old,  told me what he thought about Afu's work. 

"It looked like he was on one page on the last exhibition, and then he jumped like five chapters ahead!" 

If someone lined up a piece each from all the series from this exhibition and the last, and asked me which one is Afu's, I wouldn't say all of them. I would say what's up with the Monet rip-offs? 

I don't know enough about art to make a definitive statement about what it says about the artist and his growth. My current opinion is just 'the fuck?'.

Weak 7/10 

Watercolour Journals of Nazimbe - Nazimbe's debut solo exhibition @ NAG (19th - 25th Jan 2024)

I had never heard of Nazimbe prior to this. 

I did know of Mai though (Mauroof Jameel), and since he was curating the exhibition - I had high hopes. I was hoping Mai would finally show us what it means to curate an exhibition and have a standard. 

I was wrong. Horribly wrong. I hated the curation and most of the artworks. Hate is strong word. I wish there was a stronger word. 

There was literally 100+ paintings. I maybe liked 10 of them. 

Maybe Im being too harsh? It was just pages of his journal anyways...

Weak 4/10

Fabulous Art Show - an all female group show @ NAG  (28th Feb - 8th March 2024) 

This show was a celebration of women in the arts. 

I know more female artists in Maldives than male artists, and the fact is - within the art scene in Maldives, the inequality between sexes seems bridged - especially if we compare ourselves internationally. 

This is something that is worth celebrating and promoting - and I am glad they did. Kudos to the organisers! 

The art however... seemed lacklustre. Maybe a couple of pieces worth mentioning, but the rest were average at best. The insipid pieces seem to dilute the rest of the exhibition in my opinion. The line-up also did seem a little weird? Where was Samah? Where was Huda? Where was Hilmy? Where was Karee? 

Weird curation and line up for Afu to attach his name to? Im sure had his reasons...

Mid 5/10

Soft Moments - Fathimath Azleena's debut solo exhibition @ Gallery350 (16th April - 12th May 2024)

I swear I thought the gallery closed down again. Thank god it hadn't. 

I was wondering how they were gonna follow up on Huda's exhibition - the answer was do something new! 

The show was.. intimate and on theme - motherhood, nurturing, soft moments. I loved it. 

Of course her strongest pieces were the bigger tufted pieces, but I really liked the two abstract oil paintings of the beach too! Great new take on a subject that has been beaten to death in Maldives. 

Her weakest in my opinion were the mixed media ones (acrylic paintings + tufted pieces). Great idea, not the best execution. Looking forward to what she brings out next!

Strong 7/10


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