Though The Eyes of Picasso - A group exhibition organised by MUSE @ NAG (1st - 10th Oct 2024)

Last time it was Van Gogh and I heard it was incredible/shit-show - depending on who you asked. 

This time it's Picasso. It's ticketed (MVR 20 for locals, USD5 for tourists). It's sponsored (7 sponsors). 

Its "Through the Eyes of Picasso".


There were about 96 artworks altogether, a handful of them memorable. 

Like the lamp! I really loved it. It was adorable and not in a tacky way. It was a paper machie of a person in a libaas. Sure we could argue whether it was "Fine Art" and if it belonged at the National Gallery - but thats a whole other conversation. The lamp was nice, it was refreshing, cute and had quirky lil cubist fingers. It also won the "Emerging Picasso Award" (good lord ol mighty...).

The lil ceramic sculptures were also very cute. I especially liked the ones with the long necks. They were all wearing libaas. I don't know if it's worth getting the "Grand Prize" - although I dont really know what else I would give it to either. Maybe the cubist how-to-kassabu painting?

Notably, these kids from UV are upto something. Some suck but others are great - some even had better works than they did in UV. Some distinctive styles. Some had better execution than others. I think Munya didn't have time to finish it and shouldn't have submitted it the way it was. 


At least a handful should not have been accepted. Of course there were many pieces that felt shallow and had bad execution - but then there were those that felt like they were just an under paintings or a sketches. I understand opportunity but where is the bar?

Im glad I don't make the rules. And I dont have to like them. 

I hate that they put similar paintings next to each other and let it just wash each other out. I hate these humongous art texts next to each piece. I hate that some oldies set the standard of these cheeeeeeeesy-ass texts, documenting how long it took them to make an artwork, and now all these young vulnerable kids do the same thing. I hate that the kids dont rebel. I hate all this commentary on current international politics and humanity but nothing on current local politics and humanity. 

And I am so fucking sick of seeing the fucking libaas. Kill me. 


My biggest takeaway from this exhibition, was the realisation that a lot of these people are "deeply rooted" in their Maldivian "heritage" and "embodies" the "spirit of Maldivian people."

I realised that maybe I am not deeply rooted in my heritage and Maldivian culture. I don't even know anyone - who shows and speaks so bold and proudly of their nationalistic admiration for our land and our sea and monuments in Male'. Outta 96 artworks, 26 artworks had at least one libaas. And I dont even remember the last time Ive seen someone in a libaas?! 

I must be outta touch. It must be an echo chamber I am in -  all I hear people talk are about the struggles. 

Struggling on the islands and still struggling in Male; the catastrophe of our environment and its impact on our livelihood; greed and corruption and exploitation of our beautiful land and sea in the name of development; our education, healthcare, urban planning. I mean the list goes on.

I thought these were critical issues of today - that our contemporary young emerging artists will try to tackle - but here comes and goes another "exhibition", thats just a mish-mash of "Maldivian" iconography. 



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