
Though The Eyes of Picasso - A group exhibition organised by MUSE @ NAG (1st - 10th Oct 2024)

Last time it was Van Gogh and I heard it was incredible/shit-show - depending on who you asked.  This time it's Picasso. It's ticketed (MVR 20 for locals, USD5 for tourists). It's sponsored (7 sponsors).  Its " Through the Eyes of Picasso" . A HANDFUL..  There were about 96 artworks altogether, a handful of them memorable.  Like the lamp! I really loved it. It was adorable and not in a tacky way. It was a paper machie of a person in a libaas. Sure we could argue whether it was "Fine Art" and if it belonged at the National Gallery - but thats a whole other conversation. The lamp was nice, it was refreshing, cute and had quirky lil cubist fingers. It also won the "Emerging Picasso Award"  (good lord ol mighty...). The lil ceramic sculptures were also very cute. I especially liked the ones with the long necks. They were all wearing libaas. I don't know if it's worth getting the "Grand Prize" - although I dont really know what els

DISSCLAIMER: From now on, this is all for me.

Ive decided that Im gonna stop tagging people. I don't care if they know or not. It not for them anymore.  I initially started this based on the naive thought that artists that exhibited publicly, might appreciate knowing how a person from the public feels about their exhibition.  But I think Maldivians are (unfortunately) generally untrustworthy, take things too personally, over dramatic and can't take and refuse to take any criticisms constructively.  I mean - none of this is surprising but I was hoping that I could not give a fuck. Not care what people would think about me for saying the things I say - but unfortunately, I do have to give a fuck.  So the option I had was either tone down what I had to say and make it more digestible or I suppose stop doing it all together. I decided to do neither. I decided that I will no longer tag the artists and do it behind their back - like all Maldivians.  I decided that this will be my personal blog now. Just me keeping track of art r

Things I missed - Afu (@NAG), Nazimbe (@NAG), Fabulous Art Show (@NAG), Azleena (@G350)

I'm back - for better or for worse.  I figured before the next exhibition, I would quickly sum up the ones I missed out on - Anthony Fantano-style.  Apologies in advance if it sounds crude -  I should have spent the time that each artist deserves, and cus I didn't, I didn't even tag them on my instagram post. But then again who out here is taking anything seriously anyways?  Nafs - Afu Shaafiu's solo exhibition @ NAG (11th - 24th Dec 2023)  A stranger I met, a child, of maybe 16ish years old,  told me what he thought about Afu's work.  "It looked like he was on one page on the last exhibition, and then he jumped like five chapters ahead!"  If someone lined up a piece each from all the series from this exhibition and the last, and asked me which one is Afu's, I wouldn't say all of them. I would say what's up with the Monet rip-offs?  I don't know enough about art to make a definitive statement about what it says about the artist and his grow

*Notes: $$$

I think the price of the art should only matter to the artist and no one else. Any price above what the artist names, is just capitalism in all its ugly glory.  I think true artists will create regardless of price and capitalism.  I think the valuation of art - unless that is the statement, only distracts from the art itself. If someone resonates with a piece of art, and are able to afford it,  they will buy it.  If it resonates with them enough, they will pay more.  Of course, not everyone can afford to pay big prices for art.  Which means, you can't afford what the artist took to make the piece,       and/or               what they think it is worth        and                                                                                what other people think it's worth.  The market decides its it's too expensive for you.  At least you got to enjoy it.  And hey, maybe one day you will be able to afford good art                                                         and

hold - Aishath Huda's solo exhibition @ Gallery350 (1st - 20th Dec)

If you are reading this between 4pm - 10pm (except Sunday), stop reading and go to Gallery350. Hurry.  GALLERY350 IS BACK? FOR HOW LONG? Gallery350 does not disappoint with their exhibitions. From the exhibitions they’ve had so far, Gallery350 has shown us ( me ) where the bar for contemporary fine art in Maldives should be. With that being said, the long breaks and somewhat unreliable timings, make it believable that this is in fact an artist-run space. Something that they humbly yet valiantly proclaim at the entrance of the gallery.  Gallery350, unlike other galleries in Male’, is hard to find. It's annoying. But I used google maps.  Maybe this is what they mean when they say fine art is not accessible.  WHAT’S WITH THE BELL? The gallery is on the first floor of a residential apartment. There is a little sign below the name of the apartment that says the gallery is on the first floor, with instructions to... ring a bell?  Lil' weird... isn’t it insane to have a doorbell ring

Kan’dun Kulavaru - Sally's debut solo exhibition @ Art Gallery Male' (7th - 28th Nov 2023)

I didn't go, haven't seen it.  You may argue, that what I say about exhibitions or art does not matter, maybe you are right - but this time especially.  It looked gorgeous in pictures, the artistry definitely worth the prices, I'll probably get one.  THE CASE FOR HAND-PAINTED (NOT HANDMADE) TERRACOTTA POTS BY SAALI AT ART GALLERY MALE'. I will keep this vague, short, a lil-all-over-the-place, and sweet.  1. Art is pretentious. Pretentious being, asserting more [insert quality] to impress, than one actually posseses. Artists are all about being pretentious. So are others: [insert favourite GOAT]. People who achieve greatness have to take a chance on themselves; say, and then prove they are better than others. Show that they have something important to say, and sometimes, they are right. Other times they are pretentious.    2. The Creative Process.  Not to generalise, but, generally:  3. Art is a conversation.  Art creates, relates to and is meant for conversation. Whethe

E'keiy - Lailiie's solo exhibition @ National Art Gallery, Male' (21st Nov - 1st Dec 2023)

  The announcement of Laillie's solo exhibition was a pleasant surprise. I was eager to see her work in person. It did not disappoint, I visited it a couple of times. Like most (all) art, the true artisanship cannot be captured and hence appreciated in pictures (on Instagram).  ENTRANCE The video at the gate of the gallery entrance was perfect. Specifically for people, (including my freind) who had not heard of Lailiie or was unfamiliar with her works. It gave a quick insight into her process, the hours of ballpoint lines that turns into intricate drawings - videos all of us have seen on Instagram.  'E'keiy' - is spelt out in big block off-white thaana letters, on the white far wall that greets you walk through the main doors of the gallery. The block letters were nice to see, I saw her working on it a couple of weeks ago and was curious as to what it was going to be used for.  STATEMENTS The e xhibition text in black underneath the block letters and the way they were w